Grievance policy

Articulate recognises that, from time to time, problems and misunderstandings may arise during the course of employment and that, in certain cases, external stakeholders may also raise concerns with the company. It is, therefore, important, and in everyone’s interest, to try to resolve any grievance promptly.



We at Articulate Marketing, are committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment for all stakeholders, including employees (workers, agency staff, trainees, managers), contractors who operate within the company, customers, suppliers, business partners and community members. We recognise the importance of addressing grievances promptly and fairly, ensuring all stakeholders are treated with dignity and respect.

We are opposed to all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment and seek to create and maintain a working environment where you are treated with dignity and respect. All complaints of discrimination or harassment will be treated seriously and dealt with promptly, efficiently, and, so far as is possible, in confidence.


This policy applies to all stakeholders, both internal (employees, contractors) and external, (customers, suppliers, community members and business partners). However, specific provisions for employees versus other stakeholders are delineated to ensure a tailored and effective grievance resolution process.

When to use this policy?

Articulate recognises that, from time to time, problems and misunderstandings may arise during the course of employment or doing business. It is, therefore, important, and in everyone’s interest, to try to resolve any grievance promptly.

You may use this procedure if you believe you have:

  • Been treated unfavourably in contravention of our Equality & Diversity Policy.
  • Been subject to any form of harassment or bullying in the course of your work.
  • Witnessed the harassment of a stakeholder or any bullying or otherwise unacceptable behaviour on the part of a colleague or individual.
  • For external stakeholders, if you have a serious complaint or concern that you wish to raise with the company.

If you raise a genuine complaint under this procedure in good faith, you will not be subject to any unfavourable treatment or victimisation as a result of making a complaint.

We have created this procedure in accordance with the ACAS Code of Conduct and the statutory requirements regarding grievance issues.

Non-retaliation and stakeholder protection

Articulate Marketing guarantees the protection of all stakeholders who raise grievances in good faith. We strictly prohibit any form of retaliation against those who file grievances, provide feedback or participate in investigations. Processes and controls are in place to ensure confidentiality and safeguard the rights of all individuals involved, with separate procedures for employees and external stakeholders as outlined below.

How to raise a grievance

For employees:

  • Informal process: employees are encouraged to address grievances informally with their immediate supervisor or line manager. In this case, they will try to assist you in finding an informal solution to the problem. If you have already raised this informally but to no avail, or if your grievance is about your line manager or the complaint is one of a serious nature, you may elect to raise a formal complaint.
  • Formal process: if unresolved, employees may file a formal grievance with HR via email which will instigate the process which is outlined below.

For external stakeholders

Grievance process

Once a grievance is submitted, the following steps will be taken:

For employees:


  • The grievance will be acknowledged within 3 business days

Evaluation and investigation:

  • The next step is a meeting, usually arranged within one week of the grievance being raised. You must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting and you have the statutory right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative of your choice at the meeting.
  • A Hearing Manager, different from your Line Manager will be appointed.
  • At the meeting the Hearing Manager will discuss the grievance with you and investigate as required. After the meeting and after due consideration, the Hearing Manager will inform you of their decision in response to the grievance, in writing and as soon as reasonably practical. You will be notified of the right of appeal against the decision if you are unsatisfied with it. If it is not possible to reply in the specified period, you will be told about the delay and when to expect a response.
  • If numerous grievances are raised, they will each be dealt with separately, and a decision on whether to uphold each individual grievance will be communicated in writing. The grievance will be reviewed by the Head of People and/or the CFO and, if deemed valid, investigated by an impartial manager or investigator.


  • A resolution will be facilitated within 15 business days wherever possible.

For external stakeholders


  • The grievance will be acknowledged within 3 business days.


  • The grievance will be reviewed by the relevant department to determine its grounds and relevance within 5 business days.

Investigation and resolution

  • If found to be valid, an impartial investigation will be conducted, and a resolution facilitated within 5 business days wherever possible.

Communication and transparency

Any stakeholder (whether internal or external), will be informed of the following:

  • Grounds for accepting or rejecting the grievance. Clear criteria will be provided.
  • Process updates: regular updates will be shared at each step of the grievance process.
  • Resolution: details of the resolution or a rationale for rejecting the grievance will be communicated in writing.


For employees

If you wish to appeal the decision, you must inform the Hearing Manager in writing within five working days of the outcome letter stating the grounds on which you are appealing and what you would like to be reviewed.

If at all possible, your appeal will be reviewed by an independent manager, someone who was not involved in the original decision. Again, a meeting will be arranged to hear the appeal, and you have the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative of your choice. You must take all reasonable steps to attend.

After the appeal meeting, you will be informed of the final decision. The decision taken will be communicated in writing, within 10 working days of the meeting. Where it is not possible to respond so quickly, you will be informed of the delay and told when a response can be expected.

You should be aware that the appeal hearing is not intended to repeat the detailed investigation that led to or formed part of the disciplinary hearing, but to focus on specific factors that you feel you have received insufficient consideration, such as:

  • An inconsistent or inappropriately harsh penalty.
  • Extenuating circumstances.
  • Bias of the Hearing Manager.
  • The unfairness of the hearing.
  • New evidence subsequently came to light.

External stakeholders

External stakeholders may appeal within 10 business days of receiving the decision. An independent review will be conducted, and a final decision will be communicated within 20 business days.

Processes and controls

To ensure stakeholder protection and compliance with this policy the following processes and controls are in place:

  • Confidentiality: grievances will be handled with strict confidentiality
  • Independent oversight: an impartial manager or third-party investigator will oversee the grievance process
  • Training: all employees involved in handling grievances will receive training on non-retaliation and stakeholder rights

Policy update

We will review this policy at least once a year to ensure alignment with best practices, legal compliance within the UK, B Corp criteria and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We reserve the right to update it at any time.