The Difference Engine®:
An Articulate Marketing Guide

Some people are born with star quality.

Businesses have to engineer it.

That is, embed and measure the differentiating characteristics that make you stand out in a crowd and attract paying customers.

Our experts have spent decades understanding how businesses develop that "special something". We've developed a blueprint so you, too, can benefit from those insights.

Differentiate and accelerate your marketing machine with this strategic step-by-step guide, by Articulate Marketing.

Difference Engine

'Just finished "The Difference Engine: An Articulate Marketing Guide" and wow, it's a game-changer! It’s like having a chat with marketing pros who really know their stuff. The book breaks down complex ideas into easy steps – super helpful for making quick, smart decisions. It's full of real-world insights from the Articulate Marketing team. Definitely a must-read if you're looking to boost your brand or marketing strategy. Thumbs up!'


'This book is about as comprehensive as it gets and is essential for marketers looking to make an impact. In an industry where things change quickly and best practices can quickly become outdated, the content here provides a foundational manual for modern marketing that will be relevant for a long time. Ideal for students and professionals looking to sharpen their marketing this year.'


'As this book states from the start, only one can be the cheapest. So you get to choose – do you want to race your way to the bottom, or do you want to stand out and differentiate? This book is at once a call to action for anyone who dares to take a chance, create something, and "jump into the void" (as Goddard put it), and also a practical framework for marketing in a busy, crowded world. It takes you on a step-by-step journey from where you are now, with what you've got, through choosing your mission, forging your talent and culture, building your toolkit, and choosing a strategic framework for success. It's is detailed, insightful, and useful. Definitely recommended.'


'I've read my fair share of marketing books over the years, but it's often a coin toss whether they deliver reams of questionable theory or actionable insights. This book is packed with the latter. I'm only a couple of chapters in, but I can already see the value this will have as a primer for first-time entrepreneurs and fledgling marketers, or a refresher for seasoned folk who need to find north again in times of turmoil. Madeleine wastes no time getting down to the steps you need to take to craft your own Difference Engine, so you can start to take action in your own business straight away. I'm excited to keep going!'


'I could tell the author had followed their own advice when writing this book. Standing out from the crowd is crucial when marketing a product, and this book certainly does that. It was so well-written and entertaining that I often forgot I was learning simultaneously. The guidance is practical and insightful, clearly written by someone with many years in the industry. It is an essential read for anyone looking to push their product or service ahead of their competitors.'


'This is a must-read for marketers looking to revitalize their approach and stay ahead of the competition. It blends solid advice with creative inspiration, while also offering fantastic guidance for navigating the complexities of today's marketing world. I think this would a brilliant book for anyone within the industry to read, regardless of experience.'


'"The Difference Engine" stands as a seminal guide in the crowded field of marketing, distinguishing itself through a focused distillation of strategies aimed at enhancing brand differentiation and business growth. Written from a place of deep industry insight and expertise, the book demonstrates a compelling blend of theoretical underpinnings and practical, actionable advice, with a dash of wit. Madeleine adeptly bridges the gap between traditional marketing tenets and the demands of the digital age, making it an invaluable resource for marketing professionals seeking to elevate their strategic thinking.'


'This somehow manages to address the serious issues of business to business marketing with humour and style. I'm already re-thinking my mission statement and pondering an overhaul of my website. Great stuff!'


'"The Difference Engine." It's a fantastic marketing guide that's full of actionable advice. Whether you're running a startup or leading an established business, this book has some valuable tips for validating your marketing strategy and taking your brand to new heights!'


'What really sets this book apart is its holistic approach to building a 'Difference Engine'—a metaphor for the orchestrated components essential for standout marketing success. It covers critical areas such as cultivating a unique company culture, developing a purpose-driven brand, and implementing iterative optimisation to outpace competitors. For those in the field looking to refine their approach or expand their understanding, "The Difference Engine" offers a robust framework for thought leadership and innovation. Buying this book is not just an investment in a marketing guide; it's a commitment to transforming your brand into a leader in its space.'

Who should read this book?

We believe every successful business has a Difference Engine®.

Our best practice marketing guide is for Marketing and Business leaders who want their organisations to be a cut above the rest.

The book covers everything from how to start building your engine from scratch to how to fine-tune each element to get it running faster and better than ever before.

That means it is ideal for start-ups that have a lot of decisions to make very quickly, as well as mature businesses that need top-tier marketing strategies to launch the next growth phase.

A group of professionals standing together

'Differentiation is how you establish your business's identity as distinct from others'. It's what makes you original. Maybe even odd. Worthy of attention, expressive, diverse, value-added, authoritative, helpful, customer-focused, people-led, more than the sum of your parts.'

What's inside?

'The Difference Engine®: An Articulate Marketing Guide' is much like the original Difference Engine, the complex computing machine originated by Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace. (No, you don't need to know the reference to read the book.)

It is comprised of components that interlock and impact one another - all vital parts of the machine.

Inside, you'll find hundreds of insightful tips and a checklist of 48 actionable steps over eight chapters or 'pillars' of the engine.

The Difference Engine

Table of contents


1. Your Mission

Goals, strategies and metrics for successful differentiation.


2. Talent and Culture

How your people and processes can help you stand out.


3. The Toolkit

The marketing and sales technologies you need.


4. Strategic Blueprints

Key foundations for your strategic brand positioning.


5. Brand Architecture

How to integrate visual assets with your overall branding.


6. Thought Leadership

Content that inspires and establishes your authority.


7. Lead Generation

How to get quality leads into your business, and nurture them.


8. Iterative Optimisation

Testing and discovering opportunities for marginal gains.

What does it cost?

You can get this guidebook on Amazon as a digital version for just 8.99 GBP, or a physical copy for 14.99 GBP - check the Amazon listing for any sale prices. (Psst! We invite you to write in the margins and dog-ear the corners. A well-read book is more valuable than a pristine paperback any day.)

Not to mention, as an agency we would love to help you build your Difference Engine® and marketing workstreams. Just ask us for a quote.

A city with large stacks of coins as buildings

'Marketing is a system. It's a machine. Everything is connected to everything else. You have to be willing to face the complex challenges that come with raising your head above the parapet of mediocrity.'

About the authors

Articulate Marketing is a multi-award-winning inbound marketing agency based in the UK. We offer strategic marketing, content and website services for B2B technology clients. Plus, we’re an accredited HubSpot Partner and a certified B Corp.

Differentiation is at the heart of what we do. We help companies whose engines are misfiring, just won't start or go clunk when you get to the marketing motorway.

As part of our mission, we decided to pool our resources and write this book, with our in-house Marketing Manager, Madeleine Leslie, at the helm alongside Editor in Chief, Clare Dodd. It represents decades of marketing know-how, conveyed with our customary flair.


Take the guesswork out of marketing

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The insights in this book will launch your business and your marketing into the great beyond - to land amongst the stars. Get your copy, today.