Why good copywriting for B2B technology companies matters

These days, more than half of high-tech B2B sales come through digital channels. How much noise you make on the web, then, will factor into how many leads your technology company receives and consequently, how many sales you make.

As a result, ranking on search engines, developing digital marketing funnels and producing valuable content that puts your company in a position of trusted authority is now, more than ever, directly correlated to your business’s sales.

Here’s why good copywriting for B2B technology companies is important.

It’s all about the story

Good copywriting is about storytelling - every copywriter lives by this. No matter what industry you’re in, if you’re unable to communicate who you are and what you stand for, how are you able to promote trust to potential customers?

The tough part as a B2B technology company, however, is telling a strong enough (and unique enough) story. Last year, a study conducted by Ovum asked B2B high-tech marketers to rate the intensity of competition on a scale of one to 10. Sixty percent responded with an eight or higher.

With so much choice in the market right now, company image can be the deciding factor between breaking even and making a profit. A well-branded, reliable and trustworthy company is likely to secure a new client than an outdated, inconsistent and ‘mysterious’ one. Differentiating between the two comes down to one thing: good copywriting. 

Technology is complex

As a B2B technology company, consider who you’re selling to. Most business decision makers are not technologically savvy people, especially in boardrooms focused not on how software works specifically, but how it can be used to improve a business.   

Good copywriting, is about nothing more than simplicity. It’s about taking complex topics and talking about them in digestible ways that are available to your average business person (and decision maker).

VDI calculators are complex. Understanding their benefits is complex. Writing about them is complex. It’s up to the copywriter, to translate that complexity into a clear, well-defined and sellable meaning.

Technology-as-a-Service is difficult to sell

Selling a service is hard. It’s not like selling a physical product, where, once the transaction is made, the business and the customer shake hands and walk away.

Considering that B2B digital leaders drive five times more revenue growth than their peers, you need to focus on content, and content that sells.

You see, selling a service is about selling trust. It’s about providing a long-term vision of development and improved results. Before you can get your personality in front of someone, you need to convey that trust using words.

Good copywriting is about research. Nothing else.

At Articulate, most of our time working on a blog post, white paper or case study is spent researching the topic of it. A writer’s job is less about the words they’re putting down and more about how they’re writing them.

For the B2B technology company who operates in a highly-specialised area, every word counts for something, and it takes the right person to explain something so complex in such simple terms. 

The truth of the matter is, most copywriters are not technology experts, but good research prior to writing a piece of content is the difference between fact and faulty. Considering the number of technology vendors has risen from 150 in 2011 to almost 4,000 today, can you really afford to miss out?

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