Articulate Marketing Blog

2024 Impact Report: Award-winning initiatives for People and Planet

Written by Maddy Leslie | 16 May 2024

A recent Guardian article found that most top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past the 1.5C Paris Agreement target. Deloitte’s 2023 study shows workplace wellbeing is in decline, and there have been record numbers of business closures in recent years.

It’s overwhelming.

From the economy to mental health to the environment… can one person, or even a group of people, make a meaningful difference? The odds seem stacked, so is it really worth the effort?

Today, we’re here to help you shrug off that panic paralysis. Even a small business can do a huge amount of good for people and the planet, and prosper while doing so. Every individual contributes. The steps are worth taking, the fight worth fighting, the job worth doing.

Let’s get it done.

Here’s what we’ve managed, so far.

Our impact

As part of our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) efforts, we are proud to announce the publication of our 2024 Impact Report.

This in-depth report, the first one we’ve done, details our progress and targets for prosperity, people and planet, covering sustainable development goals (SDGs), our carbon impact and offsetting efforts, accreditations, awards and more.

It represents a huge amount of work, not only in creating the report, but much more so in terms of the effort that has gone in as a company to achieve these milestones. In just a few years our small agency has done a tremendous amount, from planting 20 thousand trees to becoming a B Corp to gaining Investors in People Gold status.

The highlights

Certified B Corp

We are a proudly certified B Corp and have been for six years now. And, we have been several times awarded ‘Best for the World Honourees’ in our journey to being a business that is a force for good. This third-party accreditation keeps us on the straight and narrow.

Committed to Net Zero

Being a Climate Positive Employer, we are dedicated to achieving official Net Zero status by 2030 or earlier. In the last two years, we’ve planted around 20,000 trees and offset 300 tonnes of carbon, more than double our business’s carbon footprint.

Investors in people

As of 2024, we are certified as IIP (Gold). And, we previously won their ‘Small Employer of the Year’ award in 2022. This is thanks to our company culture, governance, values, inclusive policies, benefits and employer branding. And the people, of course!

Ecologi’s ‘For Our Planet’ Silver Award

Literally moments after the report was published, we were thrilled to hear that we had also won Ecologi’s ‘For Our Planet’ Silver Award.

This award is in recognition of the climate action we are taking for the planet in reducing our impact, offsetting CO2 and planting thousands of trees for the future.

It just goes to show that this journey really isn’t over. We’ve got a lot more to do, and we’re more than up for the challenge.

What’s next?

The joy of it all is it’s energising to have such a tangible impact on the lives of our employees, and for the good of the planet. We’ve gained momentum. Now that we’ve taken stock of our progress so far, we’re looking ahead. Knowing how far we’ve come, we’re more ambitious than ever to grow the business sustainably, working with values-aligned clients and partners.

To find out more about our initiatives and targets for next year, read our Impact report, here. We hope it inspires your efforts and brings you a genuine sense of optimism about the future. Your journey from inertia to impact starts with a single step.